This is a glossary of commonly used terms and abbreviations that you can refer to throughout your crossfit journey. After some time, you’ll find that you’ll be the expert on these words and you won’t need this resource any longer.



As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible, The clock is set with a fixed time. You will complete as many rounds of the prescribed movements within that time. Your score for a workout like this will be the number of reps or rounds and reps completed in the time.


A series of movements (3 or more) that are to be completed in order in a sequence.


Every Minute on the Minute, You will perform a movement(s) every 60 seconds for a specified duration.

For Time

Workout where you have to complete all the listed work as fast as you can. Once you complete the work – you are done.

Girl WOD

Benchmark Crossfit wods that are used to show your progress.

Hero WOD

Challenging Crossfit wods that military servicemen, police, and firefighters who died in the line of duty. These wods were designed to be difficult to help us remember the sacrifices made for us.


Ascending: A Wod where you increase the amount of reps each round.
Descending: A Wod where you decrease the amount of reps each round.


Metabolic Conditioning Workout: purpose is to elevate your heart rate for a period of time: training stamina and conditioning.


A full completion of a movement

Rep Max (RM)

Maximum lift for one rep


Prescribed: completing a workout as listed (no substitutions/changes)


A substitution to the prescribed workout – for ability or injury


A given number of reps


The information that you input into Wodify after a workout is completed. This could be the weight used for a lift, the time it took to complete a metcon, the number of rounds and/or reps completed during an AMRAP.


20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 8 rounds/4 minutes. (Source)


Workout of the day, At Babylon Crossfit our WODs are posted on Wodify and written on the white board. At the start of class, the coach will review the WOD with the class.



Back Squat

Completing a squat with the barbell resting on the back of your shoulders (Video Demonstration)


A movement developing power and strength by bringing a weight to your shoulders (front rack position). (Squat Clean Video Demonstration, Hang Power Clean Video Demonstration)

Clean and Jerk (C&J)

A movement bringing a weight first to your shoulders and then overhead. (Video Demonstration)

Front Rack Position

Location of the barbell when performing a front squat or the end of a clean: across the collarbone and shoulders, elbow pointed high.

Front Squat

Completing a squat with the barbell in the front rack position. (Video Demonstration)

Deadlift (DL)

A Movement taking the barbell from the ground and raising it to the hips. (Video Demonstration)

Ground to Overhead (G2OH)

Any movement where the weight is brought from the ground to overhead. (clean and jerk vs. snatch)


Starting a lift from the knees. (Hang Power Clean Video Demonstration)

Hook Grip

Gripping the barbell with your index and middle finger over the thumb.

Overhead Squats (OHS)

Completing a squat with the barbell in the overhead position. (Video Demonstration)

Push Jerk

Moving the barbell from the front rack position to overhead by bending your knees and locking them out while driving the bar up and then dropping underneath the bar to receive it in a partial squat. (Video Demonstration)

Push Press

Moving the barbell from the front rack position to overhead by bending your knees and locking them out while driving the bar up. (Video Demonstration)

Shoulder to Overhead (S2OH)

Any movement where the weight is brought from your shoulders to the overhead position.


A movement where the barbell starts on the ground and is lifted overhead in one fluid motion. (Squat Snatch Video Demonstration)

Split Jerk

From the front rack position, push the bar into the overhead position by bending your knees and dropping under the bar, receiving it in a partially overhead position with one foot in front of you and the other foot behind you.

Strict Press/ Shoulder Press

Movement taking the bar from the front rack position to overhead without bending your knees or using your legs. (Video Demonstration)

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP)

Keeping a narrow grip and a wide stance, bringing the barbell to the middle of the chest. (Video Demonstration)


Starting in the front rack position, completing a full squat, and finishing with the barbell overhead. (Video Demonstration)



Resistance bands used for training, warmups, and pullup scaling.

Butterfly Pull-Up

An advanced kipping pull-up. (Video Demonstration)

Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (CTB/C2B)

An advanced pull-up variation where your chest must make contact with the bar for the rep to count.

Handstand Push-Up (HSPU)

An advanced gymnastic movement where athletes go into a handstand supported by a wall and perform a push-up.


Allowing your body to use its momentum to complete a movement.

Knees to Elbow (KTE/K2E)

A gymnastic movement where athletes hang from a bar and bring their knees to their elbows.

Muscle Ups (MU)

An advanced gymnastic movement where you complete a pull-up followed by a dip. This can be performed with rings or a bar.


Portable Parallel bars that add complexity to certain movements.


Single leg squat.


A gymnastic movement where you start hanging from a bar and pull your chin above the bar. (Kipping Pull-Up Video Demonstration)

Ring Dip

Holding yourself on gymnastic rings, then lowering your body so your shoulders make contact with the rings, and then fully extending to the top.

Ring Row

Placing your feet under the rings and you pull your chest to the rings and lower your body to full extension.


Completing a movement without a kip or assistance.

Toes To Bar (TTB/T2B)

Hanging from a pull-up bar, raising your toes to touch the bar using your core.


Air Squat

Bodyweight squat, getting below parallel. (Video Demonstration)

Box Jumps

Standing on the ground, jumping on top of a box, and then standing to full extension.

Box Jump Overs

Standing on the ground, you will jump on a box, making contact with both feet and then jump to the other side.


Start standing up, you will bring your body to the ground, touching your chest and thighs, after which you will stand back up and jump.

Double Unders (DU)

Jump rope movement where the rope passes twice under your feet in one jump. (Video Demonstration)

Farmer’s Carry

Carrying a weight at your side in one hand.


Glute and Hamstring Developer: machine used for advanced situps and back extensions. (Hip, Back, and Hip-Back Extensions Video Demonstrations)

Kettlebell Swing (KB)

Taking a kettlebell weight and swinging it overhead. (Video Demonstration)

Russian Kettlebell Swing

Taking a kettlebell weight and swinging it to eye level.

Wall Ball (WB)

Starting with a medicine ball, you will perform a squat and as you stand, you will throw the medicine ball to a prescribed height. (Video Demonstration)

Walking Lunge

A movement where you walk forward and bend both legs until the back knee gently touches the ground. (Video Demonstration)



A gym affiliated with Crossfit; they have Crossfit-certified trainers on staff.


A Crossfit gym.

Crossfit Games

The sport of fitness; a yearly competition where Crossfit athletes compete against one another.


Did not finish.


The Murph Challenge is done every year.


The CrossFit Open – the start of the Crossfit Games. Everyone is able to participate.


Personal Record/Personal Best – the maximum weight you lifted or the fastest time completed.


The program and App we use to register for classes and store our scores.




Shortly after, we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session. We are excited you've decided to join us!

Drake Allen


I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition

Angie Tracy


I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition



I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition


L1 & l2 COACH

I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition

Samantha Baker

L1 Coach

I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition

Craig Buchanan

L1 & L2 Coach

I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition

Morgan Arnold

Owner & L1 Coach

I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition

Jarad Arnold


I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years. I have a passion for helping others be the best they can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. One thing I can guarantee is that this place is like no other. I often tell my coaches that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. CrossFit Templum embodies that day in and day out. We want you to be the best you you can be. When you get with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, miracles can and will happen. What are you waiting for? Come join the Templum Family. You won’t regret it.


CrossFit Level 3 Certification
 Bachelors in Exercise Science, Master in Kinesiology, USA Weightlifting, CrossFit Kids, Adaptive CrossFit, Precision Nutrition, Cenegenics Nutrition


1. You have the option to put your automatically recurring membership on hold for any reason.

2. Membership hold requests must be submitted no less than five business days before your upcoming invoice. All membership payments are non-refundable.

3. Membership hold requests are limited from four to 12 weeks per calendar year in two-week increments. Upon expiration of the hold period that you select below, your account will automatically reactivate, and regular membership payments will resume. Your original agreement will be extended by the amount of time of the membership hold. If you chose to cancel your membership during the hold period, the standard four-week cancellation notice requirement stated in your membership agreement is applicable. If you choose to reactivate your membership after it is cancelled, membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable (membership rates are subject to change).

4. There is a $8 per week fee for membership holds.


1. If you decide to reactivate your membership in the future (and we hope you do), membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable as membership rates are subject to change.

2. If you would like to put your membership on hold instead of canceling, you may submit a membership hold request. If you’re sure you’d like to cancel, please complete the form below. This will serve as your four-week written cancellation notice as required by your membership agreement. Your membership will be cancelled four weeks from the submission of the form below. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within this four-week period, the payment will be processed as scheduled. All payments are non-refundable.

3. Cancellation of membership prior to the expiration of any specified commitment period requires an early termination fee equal to the standard non-discounted month-to-month rate.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below and one of our certified coaches will be in touch ASAP!
We are excited to chat with you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
Warning: Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot, simply fill out the form
below letting us know what day you might come by and one of our certified coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$15 Per Class


8969 N. Frontage Lane
Bridgeport, IL 62417



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Simply fill out the form below and one of our amazing coaches will send you our current membership information.