Drake Allen
Drake Allen


Drake Allen

I first started CrossFit back in 2017 when I was in high-school and used it to keep me in shape and gain some muscle for football season. Sadly, I had some injuries and didn’t get back into CrossFit until Route 50 CrossFit opened up just down the road in 2023. Getting back in the gym made me a completely different person from when I first started. I actually started thinking about my health and CrossFit changed me for the better. I can do things I never could have imagined a couple years ago...such as muscle ups, dubs, pullovers, handstand walks etc. I became so indulged in the gym I wanted to go even further and help others and become a coach. I proceeded in getting my L1  in Nashville with a broken foot which wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Luckily CrossFit is prepared for such thing and I was able to scale all of the movements. Now I’ve been coaching at Route 50 since July 2024 and it’s been the greatest experience!